Thursday, July 15, 2010

Journal 10

Metaphors in Advertisements
Our assignment today was to find an advertisement that uses metaphors and the one that I found is about a pain relief cream. It shows a woman in a fixed pose that only strong gymnasts can do while holding a marionette cross bars with strings attached to her clothes. Underneath is a picture of the cream and the saying "Take Control Again". It plays with the idea of the puppet and puppeteer with pain being their puppeteer with your body. When you use their pain-relief cream you no longer are restricted from doing the thing you want to do when pain was holding you back. In a sense, as far as what the advertisement is trying to say, when you take their cream you become the puppeteer of your own body again. I believe this advertisement is successful in getting the point across due to the fact that most everyone understands the roles of puppets and puppet masters. The lighting and colors used within the advertisement place a calm and content mood within the photograph and the women does not seem to be struggling with her pose. Though the image of the product is small and placed at the bottom of the picture, the womens body draws the viewer's eye down to the bottom where they see the product and then under it the saying. Beside the image having great balance and color choice, the message easily gets across to the audience and therefore the advertisement is a success.

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